Darıca Millet Bahçesi Library

Project Details

Location: Kocaeli / Türkiye
Year: 2024
Category: Konferans Salonu, Kültürel
The installation and manufacturing of the acoustic arrangement of the conference hall in the building, library ceiling panels, acoustic tile carpet covering, and corridor wooden baffle panels were carried out by our company. All surfaces in a space affect the sound quality of a space. Fixed surfaces such as ceilings, walls, floors, furniture and doors must consist of materials with reflective and absorbing properties to protect the ambient acoustics. Since the conference hall in the building is a place where sound quality must be high, acoustic products were used on its fixed surfaces; -While our ESK101 Acoustic Wood panels were preferred on the ceilings, our ESK101-111 Acoustic Wood panels were used on the walls. Choosing different models not only increases the sound quality of the space but also offers users a spacious and aesthetic space. The sound quality of the space was increased by covering the floor with acoustic tile carpet. Darıca National Garden Library, with its modern, aesthetic and high sound quality spaces, is ready for use.